Episcopal Palace in Oradea
green area, a historical garden and a tourist attraction among the
city inhabitants, but also a protected natural area wedged into the
heart of the city, a dendrological park with valuable and diverse
flora. Generations of dedicated founders and later careful
administrators nurtured and expanded its flora with great love.
The preservation of the natural heritage and the gentle utilization
of the garden for community purposes are a constant guiding
principle to this day. This webpage is mainly intended to
introduce the dendrological jewels, the ornamental plants,
century-old trees and shrubs and other curiosities of the historical
garden. During a guided, pleasant promenade, we can admire
many indigenous, exotic and symbolic plants of the garden, meet
personalities closely connected to the city or the garden, thus
adding a cultural experience to the presentation of the natural
endowments of the environment.
palace and on the west side of the cathedrala biblical garden was
developed, with symmetrical round and rectangular flowerbeds,
which evoke the puritan simplicity of the monastery gardens.
In addition to pomegranates and fig trees, grape vines and exotic
plants placed in bins, here one can see planted various kinds of
cereals, aromatic and spice plants, crops, and bulbous flowers
mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.
magnolias that bloom in early spring in front of the main façade
of the residence and the north wing. The first lily trees in the city
could have been planted at the end of the 19th century. In the
photos taken in 1933, these reached already to the windows of
the second floor. The hite-flowered lily tree (Magnolia kobus) in
Japan, their country of origin, are considered the symbol of purity.
The hybrid with big pink flowers (Magnolia x soulangeana) was
created in 1820 by the French botanist Etienne Soulange-Bodin
Historic garden
Dendrological garden
Event venue
The grave of king St. Ladislaus, the canonized founder of the first medieval cathedral of Oradea, raised this religious edifice, which existed until the beginning of the era of the Turkish occupation of the 17th century, to the level of the most significant pilgrimage sites of Western Christianity.
Historical gardens on the banks of the Crișul river
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